Western Belle doing a sit in for the Ruby Wheeler Radio show today. DJ’s get sick … go on vacation or what ever and this time I wanted to do some music that I get a lot of requests for. The Classic Country is the music I grew up on and holds a near and dear spot in my heart. Leading off with Little Jimmy Dickens who just left us on Jan 2 2015. I recall a Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Nashville, my first trip to the Grand Ole Opry. While having lunch he and a granddaughter came in. I wanted so bad to go over and say hello, but they were celebrating her birthday and no one approached their table. That night at the Opry he thanked everyone who was at the Cracker Barrel for letting them enjoy Their Day! The man was a giant in my eyes and I will never forget that was her Grandpa taking a little girl out for a special day with her Grandpa. I hope you enjoy the show today. remember You Can never Do A Kindness Too soon for you never Know when it will Be Too Late
Always Your,
Western Belle
Barbara Richhart
32229 Road P
Mancos, CO 81328
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